A Word from Wayne: The Seven Cooperative Principles
News From Diverse Power

In the last seven issues of Power Points, we featured each of the Seven Cooperative Principles, one per issue. With October being National Cooperative Month, it’s worth revisiting these important principles.
With business models different from for-profit businesses, cooperatives must follow these Seven Cooperative Principles.
Voluntary and Open Membership: As a member of Diverse Power, you are the member of a nonprofit cooperative owned by the people it serves.
Democratic Membership Control: As a member, your vote counts when it’s time to choose directors who lead the co-op, set policy or make important business decisions.
Members’ Economic Participation: Members contribute to and benefit from the capital of the cooperative in proportion to the business they conduct with the cooperative.
Autonomy and Independence: Cooperatives are autonomous and independent organizations controlled by their members.
Education and Training: Cooperatives provide education and training for members, elected representatives, managers and employees so they can contribute effectively to the development of their cooperative.
Cooperation between Co-ops: Cooperatives serve their members by working together through local, national, regional and international structures.
Concern for Local Communities: While focusing on member needs, cooperatives work for the sustainable development of communities through policies and programs accepted by the members.
While we hold fast to all seven of our cooperative principles, this issue of Power Points focuses on the last three. We work diligently to honor Cooperative Principle No. 5 by keeping you informed through this newsletter along with our website and Facebook presence.
We keep Cooperative Principle No. 6 as we work with our fellow co-ops to teach about the cooperative way. Each year, we send adult and youth leaders to conferences sponsored by the Georgia Cooperative Council, as featured on page 24C of this newsletter.
And we demonstrate Cooperative Principle No. 7 as we work to strengthen the communities we serve by providing opportunities through scholarships and education grants and philanthropic support through community grants, as detailed on page 24A.
We are proud of what we are able to accomplish as a member-owned cooperative by adhering to the Seven Cooperative Principles.