Community helps school obtain bus
News From Diverse Power

Students from Lafayette Christian School’s Discovery Cottage, in LaGrange, tried out their brand-new, handicapped-accessible school bus for the first time in May when they took a field trip to participate in Troup County Special Olympics.
“We are so excited to have the bus,” says Headmaster John Cipolla.
“The kids are going to get to do so many things now, like going out for equestrian therapy and on field trips.”
The LaGrange-based Callaway Foundation gave $50,000 in a challenge grant toward the purchase of the bus, according to Cipolla, who says local businesses and individuals raised the remaining $50,000. Part of the funding came from Kilometers for the Cottage, a 5K walk/run/wheelchair roll fundraiser held at the school in April. Diverse Power was one of the event sponsors.